About Me
- My Wedding House 是由 Tom Wedding 知名精英,最资深的两位摄影师和化妆师所组和的特别小组,是一家小规模但五脏具全的居家式照相馆。为了迎和现代人繁忙的工作行程,My Wedding House 一直以拍一次婚纱照交一个朋友为服务宗旨,提供无限时间,地点,拍摄手法,配套和行程,专为顾客量身定做以符合顾客需求的优质服务。My Wedding House 是一个追求幸福与快乐的小团体,这两位最佳拍党会一手包办婚前,结婚当天和国外摄影,提供全程一对一尊贵的VIP服务。每对新人都可根据自己的喜好,品位,找到自己"感冒"的美景,以至拥有一套属于自己的个性的,时尚的,与众不同的婚纱照。我们将以最人性化的服务,最贴心的照顾让您满意。 My Wedding House another branch outlet formed simultaneously in 2010, in Cheras, it emphasizes on the concept of home studio, specializes in custom made wedding packages to cater to the fast-paced busy lifestyle of the To-Be wedding couples, provides a VIP experience of One-To-One service of customize wedding packages to suit your individual preferences, your preferred schedule, shooting location and theme as well as a customized itinerary. Our passion towards excellence service guarantees you to seal your love with delightful memories that will last you a lifetime; your happiness is our satisfaction!
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